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CDET's Project 0 Is an initiative inspired by comments made by Sullivan County mayor when discussing the new jail currently being built. "Our effort is to keep this jail empty, that's what we need to do, we have judges and DA's and drug counselors and people like that, helping us keep people out of jail that don't need to be there," said Venable. We could not agree more and would like to assist the Mayor in his commitment to reduce the incarceration rate and the burden to taxpayers and families victimized by the criminal justice system.

The New Jail

Construction began on a new jail in Sullivan County in the summer of 2022. The jail was:

  1. Built to address the overcrowding in the old delipidated facility.

  2. Has a price tag of almost 100 million dollars.

  3.  buildout will have finished space for 460 incarcerated individuals 

  4. According to Sheriff Jeffrey Cassidy is already facing staffing issues 

  5. Will be overcrowded the day it opens 

Better Options

Different Models

Better options to incarceration focus on rehabilitative and restorative practices that address the underlying causes of criminal behavior and offer more constructive outcomes for individuals and society. Restorative justice programs facilitate reconciliation between offenders and victims, allowing for healing and restitution. Educational and vocational training programs equip individuals with skills and knowledge for successful reintegration into society. Harm Reduction and Subtance abuse programs combined are far more successful than incarceration at producing successful recoveries. Such alternatives not only reduce prison populations and the costs associated with incarceration but also promote healing, reduce recidivism, and enhance public safety by treating the root problems rather than merely containing them.

“It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.”
― Nelson Mandela

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